Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Latest Episodes

Storage: You Gotta Keep ’em Separated – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
October 22, 2019

It's almost canonical wisdom is storage that you shouldn't put primary and secondary storage on the same storage system. Doing otherwise is just asking or trouble. But given the rapidly changing IT landscape and the emergence of the cloud,

Learning Kubernetes is a Waste of Time – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
October 08, 2019

On this episode, our roundtable discusses the premise that learning Kubernetes is a waste of time. With so many managed Kubernetes service available, actually learning the ins and outs of the obtuse orchestrator isn't necessary for the vast majority of...

Security Can’t Keep Up – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
September 24, 2019

You don't have to follow the news very closely to find evidence of large scale security breaches. The sophistication, breadth, and sheer velocity of malicious hacks have reached a point that IT security simply can't keep up like it used to.

The Cloud Should Adapt to the Enterprise – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
September 10, 2019

It would be great if all our applications were cloud native to get the best cost, resilency, and architecture overall. But enterprises don't move that quickly. The cloud should offer services that work for existing applications that organizations want ...

Redesigning is Useless in Wireless – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
August 27, 2019

Redesigns in wireless are done more for compulsive than technical need. When a new access point comes out, the entire wireless network doesn't need a redesign, other than to satisfy the need to tinker for those managing them.

SaaS Backup Isn’t My Problem – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
August 13, 2019

We all know how traditional backup work, but SaaS is different. Since the software comes as a service, backup is just one of those services, right? The roundtable discusses this idea. Do current SaaS offering really provide backup? If they don't,

The Traditional Office is Dying – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
July 09, 2019

The traditional office is dying. Since the rise of telecommuting in the 90s, less and less people need to be in the office. With open offices killing productivity, in the near term, we're going to see the traditional office become extinct.

VARs are Useless – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
June 25, 2019

Value-added resellers (VARs) are often characterized as useless, adding a needless cost for something that should be sold direct to customers. In this On-Premise IT Roundtable, the panel discusses where the value actually gets added and what benefits V...

IoT Is Making Society Less Secure – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
June 11, 2019

On this episode, the roundtable discusses if IoT is making us less secure overall. They get into a discussion of what kind of attack surfaces IoT presents, whether these device impact privacy more than security,

Multi-Cloud Is A Fad – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
May 28, 2019

On this episode, the roundtable discusses if the framing of multi-cloud as an inevitable IT outcome is really accurate. Is multi-cloud just something being pushed by analysts and vendors with solutions to sell? If so, will it ultimately be a fad?