Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Lock In Is The Enemy

April 18, 2023

The term “lock in” gets thrown around a lot in IT. It’s the reason why we spend so much time engineering solutions that don’t make us dependent on technologies. But does it really matter in the long run? Is the treatment for lock in really better in the end? Does it matter if it’s in the enterprise or in the cloud? And are we finding ourselves locked in slowly or all at once? In this episode of the On-Premise IT Podcast, Jody Lemoine, Snehal Patel, and Steve Puluka join Tom Hollingsworth to discuss the pros and cons of lock in and how it might not be as bad as you’re imagining.

On-Premises for Today’s Podcast:


Jody Lemoine

Steve Puluka

Snehal Patel


Tom Hollingsworth







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