Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Hybrid Cloud is Evolving Into the Multicloud with NetApp

January 10, 2023

The whole concept of the cloud is evolving, from traditional datacenter to cloud-native applications to the next generation of hybrid cloud. This episode of On-Premise IT, sponsored by NetApp, features Arjan Timmerman, Vuong Pham, Stephen Foskett, and Phoebe Goh discussing the evolved cloud. Data gravity and sovereignty is leading enterprises to reconsider the platforms chosen to host their applications. Although terms like hybrid cloud, private cloud, and multicloud are changing, customers care more about functionality and practical applications. Data must be made available both inside and outside the datacenter but it must be managed and protected in these locations and comply with regulations and industry best practices. Businesses are increasingly using multiple cloud services as well, from public IaaS to their own datacenter Kubernetes environment. This makes it especially difficult when considering data services and tools since they must support a wide variety of platforms.

On-Premises for Today’s Spotlight Podcast:


Vuong Pham

Arjan Timmerman




NetApp Panelist

Phoebe Goh, Product & Marketing Leader at NetApp. Connect with Phoebe on LinkedIn and on Twitter. Learn more about BlueXP from NetApp here.


Stephen Foskett



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