Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

WebAssembly Will Displace Containers For Web-Scale Applications

December 05, 2023

Containerization of applications is only a small step forward from virtualization, but WebAssembly promises a real revolution. This episode of the On-Premise IT podcast, recorded live at KubeCon 2023 in Chicago, features Nigel Poulton, Ned Bellavance, Justin Warren, and Stephen Foskett discussing the prospects for WebAssembly. WebAssembly (WASM) is lauded for its potential to be faster, smaller, and more secure than its predecessors. But skepticism surrounds its long-term adoption and development trajectory, with debates centering on whether WASM can achieve the transformative status that containers once held. While WASM applications are technically more portable, smaller, and quicker to start, adoption remains at an early stage, appealing more to developers than operations professionals.

Podcast Information

* Stephen Foskett, Publisher of Gestalt IT and Organizer of Tech Field Day. Find Stephen’s writing at and on Twitter at @SFoskett

* Ned Bellavance, Technical Educator and Content Creator. You can connect with Ned on LinkedIn and visit his website to find out more about his content.

* Justin Warren, Founder and Principal Analyst at PivotNine. You can follow Justin on LinkedIn or on X/Twitter and head to PivotNine‘s website to learn more about what he’s working on.

* Nigel Poulton, Author and Video Trainer in the Kubernetes and Container space. You can follow Nigel on LinkedIn or on X/Twitter and learn more about his book, training and more on his website.

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