Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Identity Management is Tweaking our Neuroses

November 28, 2023

The concept of identity management has become increasingly complex and challenging due to the purely digital nature of modern identity. This episode of the On-Premise IT podcast, recorded on-premises at ISS in Cleveland, features Bob Kalka of IBM, Leon Adato of Kentik, and Stephen Foskett discussing the various ways identity management tweaks our neuroses. As organizations grapple with this issue, they face the daunting task of merging elements such as identity, passkeys, passwords, and AI in a way that is seamless and less nerve-wracking.

Identity Management is Tweaking our Neuroses

The relevance of identity and self goes beyond what we normally comprehend in our routine lives. Within virtual spaces, identity management becomes even more important because it is disconnected from our physical experience. From the lens of the cybersecurity team, taking control of identity management presents unique challenges as they neither completely own the problem nor the solution. Legacy systems and constantly shifting tools create further hurdles in the management of identity and access permissions, often making it appear more like security theatre.

However, the necessity to ward off unauthorized access necessitates an efficient system of identity management. Many are suggesting that AI can break through these challenges. In particular, AI aids in the detection of identity-related threats by analyzing behavioral patterns. As a result, it helps to deal with the attendant neuroses related to identity management found in many digital users.

The concept of identity management is increasingly being viewed as a fabric of relationships rather than a singular goal. The identity fabric acknowledges the realities of a hybrid world where managing identity across multiple identity providers and directories is an essential function. Passwordless authentication, a user-friendly concept leveraging passkeys, has recently emerged as a popular solution. But the process of identity management does not halt with user access. The backend still necessitates managing identities in multiple locations. Responding to this need, the concept of identity orchestration has emerged as a novel approach in managing identity in varied environments. Taking ownership and addressing these challenges proactively is an essential step in effectively managing identity.

The complexity of digital identity management underlines the necessity for organizations to accept the reality of these management hurdles. Leveraging advancements such as AI to shed light on the issue in a more comprehensive manner is a critical stride towards finding more effective solutions. Recognizing and understanding the shortcomings of these systems is vital in this journey, just as it is crucial to appreciate the potential of AI in steering breakthroughs in the digital identity management space.

Podcast Information

* Stephen Foskett is the Publisher of Gestalt IT and Organizer of Tech Field Day. Find Stephen’s writing at and connect with him on LinkedIn and on Twitter at @SFoskett

* Leon Adato is the Principle Technical Evangelist at Kentik. You can connect with Leon