Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

No One Understands Storage Anymore

September 26, 2023

Although modern-day storage products let us do more with less, and is more capable than ever before, they are also way more complex, and often unintelligible to the masses. Recorded at the recent Storage Field Day event, in this On-Premise IT podcast, Stephen Foskett asks the attending luminaries from the storage industry to define storage in simple terms. With innovation piling high, storage, in the recent years, has slipped away from the grasps of IT professionals, causing add-on stress and pressure. Storage, as a disciple, has grown so vast, that it is only possible to either be a generalist and acquire a broad understanding, or a specialist with narrow focus in one thing. Listen to the discussion to learn how storage professionals working at the heart of IT view and interpret storage.

On-Premises for Today’s Podcast:


Erik Ableson

Andy Banta

Andrea Mauro

J Metz


Stephen Foskett








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