Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Hardware Doesn’t Matter Anymore

July 04, 2023

In this age of software, cloud, and platforms, custom hardware seems to be a lost art. In this episode of the On-Premise IT podcast, Joep Piscaer, Max Mortillaro, Steve McDowell, and Stephen Foskett consider whether hardware really matters anymore. Given that developers generally prioritize higher-level abstractions and platforms, they often ignoring the importance of hardware. But we can argue that optimizing hardware is crucial for efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. The importance of hardware is dependent on the specific use case or context. And developers should be educated about the impact of their hardware choices. The possibility of regulations being introduced to enforce efficiency and optimize hardware usage should also be considered.

The panelists debated whether hardware is truly relevant in today’s IT landscape. It was observed that developers often focus on higher-level abstractions and platforms, caring less about the underlying hardware. However, some panelists emphasized the importance of hardware optimization, highlighting its impact on efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. The role of hardware was seen as varying depending on the specific use case or context. While developers may not prioritize hardware, it was argued that they should be educated about its significance to make more informed decisions and consider aspects like energy efficiency.

Looking towards the future, the panelists speculated that hardware optimization could become increasingly important, especially for product vendors operating in an abstracted software-defined world. As software becomes more efficient and abstracted from hardware, there is an opportunity for vendors to differentiate themselves by offering optimized hardware solutions. They also discussed the possibility of regulations being implemented to enforce efficiency and encourage hardware optimization. This could be accomplished through measures such as introducing taxes or incentives based on hardware usage.

In conclusion, the panelists agreed that while developers may not prioritize hardware, its relevance is still important for efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. The need for hardware optimization may vary depending on the use case or context. However, there was consensus on the importance of educating developers about the impact of their hardware choices. The conversation also touched on the possibility of regulations being introduced to enforce efficiency and optimize hardware usage. For further discussion on this topic, the panelists shared their contact information, making it easier for listeners to engage with them.

On-Premises for Today’s Podcast:


Joep Piscaer

Max Mortillaro

Steve McDowell


Stephen Foskett







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