Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Silos Are Sabotaging Your Security Strategy

June 27, 2023

IT is full of siloes. They help ensure that experts are working on the areas they are best suited for. However, siloes are a problem for security teams. When you need information and visibility the walls insulating your other teams become a barrier. How can we address this in the security space? And what does the CIO need to know to make everyone more effective? In this episode, join Alex Neihaus, Karen Lopez, and Bruno Wollmann as we explore the impact that siloes have on our security strategy.

This episode of the On-Premise IT Podcast focuses on the challenges posed by the siloed nature of enterprise IT departments, which often hinder effective security practices. This fragmentation within organizations makes it particularly difficult to implement cohesive security measures that cover all aspects of an enterprise’s infrastructure and systems.

While enterprise IT departments are often divided into separate teams, attackers do not limit their efforts to specific silos. They exploit vulnerabilities across the entire system, necessitating holistic security measures. Recognizing this, organizations must strive to break down silos and develop cross-silo solutions to effectively protect against cyber threats.

In the realm of data security, internal threats are just as significant as external ones. Malicious actors within an organization can cause significant harm to data integrity and confidentiality. Hence, it is crucial to address internal security risks alongside external threats. This requires collaboration and cooperation between different teams, which can be challenging due to conflicting priorities and differing perspectives.

The implementation of cross-silo security solutions can sometimes lead to disagreements between teams. IT and security teams may have different approaches, preferences, or priorities, causing friction and delays in the decision-making process. However, when security and IT teams share common goals, trust can be built, leading to increased collaboration and more effective security strategies.

While security policies are essential for safeguarding organizations, they can be poorly implemented in technology, resulting in tension between IT and security teams. In some cases, security measures can impede the smooth operation of systems or restrict the flexibility required by IT teams. Striking a balance between robust security and operational efficiency is crucial for ensuring the overall success of an organization’s security efforts.

To achieve optimal security, it is necessary to maintain awareness of security issues. However, information overload can sometimes lead to a lack of understanding of the underlying technology. It is important to strike a balance between staying informed about security threats and vulnerabilities while ensuring that IT professionals possess a deep understanding of the technologies they work with. This helps bridge the gap between security and IT teams and facilitates effective collaboration in implementing security measures.

To address the challenges posed by siloed IT departments and enhance security, organizations should consider adopting a more balanced approach. This entails breaking down silos through education, support, and increased visibility into business needs. Additionally, job descriptions within IT departments should evolve to reflect the importance of cross-functional expertise, encouraging the cultivation of generalists who possess knowledge in networking, database management, and application development. By fostering collaboration and eliminating silos, organizations can achieve a more robust and comprehensive security posture that aligns with business objectives.