One Track Gamers

One Track Gamers

One Track Gamers Podcast - Episode 12

March 24, 2015

This week the Gamers talked about Nintendo working on a new hardware and their partnership with DeNA, Hideo Kojima leaving Konami, Batman Arkham Knight being delayed and the new Dragon Age DLC.

This weeks Gamer Question of the week comes from our Loyal Gamer Just Another Gaming Blog:

Hey guys, My question is, if you could remove any one game from existence which would it be? BUTS THERE’S A CATCH
You must consider the butterfly effect, so if you got rid of Metal Gear Solid for example, that would lead to future stealth games like Assassin’s Creed being very different or not made at all.

Send your questions and answers to either:
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Twitter - @Onetrackgamers

Our topic of the Week:

What game(s) have you spent the most hours playing? (MMOs not included).

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Amanda - @TearithJade

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