One Nation Under Crime

One Nation Under Crime

1825: The Beauchamp-Sharp Tragedy

November 15, 2021

Murder in a passionate rage is one that is heard in many stories. A jilted lover is pushed over the edge to insanity and murders the one they love. But what happens when it's the passionate rage of a woman that makes her husband kill another man?  This week the ONUC gals discuss the Beauchamp-Sharp or Kentucky Tragedy. Join them as they discuss the case, take a deep dive into Kentucky Bourbon, and discover how long is too long for an epitaph. Trigger Warning Level: LowVisit our website for all of the ways to contact and follow us. We are on Twitter @onucpod, Instagram @onenationundercrime, and on both YouTube and Facebook by searching 'One Nation Under Crime'.Follow One Nation Under Crime on your favorite podcast platform and you will get the shows as soon as they come out!Remember, there isn't always liberty and justice for all.Sources: Murder by GaslightSupport the show (
