Life Faith Hope Podcast - Ultimate Christian Podcast Network

Life Faith Hope Podcast - Ultimate Christian Podcast Network

Power of Motherhood

May 11, 2023
Power of Motherhood | The power of motherhood can not be denied, and behind every powerful person in our world is a Mom. In this episode, we will discuss the powerful legacy moms leave. | #christianpodcast #motherhood #powerofmotherhood #legacy #parentinglegacy #legacyofmom #moms #mothersdayPower of Motherhood ~ Episode 36

The power of motherhood can not be denied, and behind every powerful person in our world is a Mom. In this episode, we will discuss the powerful legacy moms leave.

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Do you have a special group of friends? I do, and these women keep me on track. The place faith and family before all us – and they encourage and bless others in friendship. These are the women I prayed for in a time when I felt the world pulling me by virtue of my degree into the workforce. Yet these women encouraged me in the virtue and power of motherhood. They let me express what I knew in my heart that women are the caregivers, welcoming and should care for their children.

The power of Motherhood is in self-giving, and fulfilment of what God has called you to do. Behind every powerful corporation, president, and other powerful “leader” is a mother. By virtue of giving life, this person is responsible for another. I still miss my mother who has been gone over twenty years, yet her impact on my life is stunning.

My mother was the first example of powerful motherhood – she encouraged me to set my goals high. You want to be an artist? Go paint. Do it.  You want to become a teacher? Go for it. Whatever I wanted to do she encouraged me. We worked hard together as a family in my parent’s Italian Restaurant. The hours were long but when we had an opportunity we vacationed together as well. Our parents always gave us opportunities they didn’t have – and we do that for our own children as well.

Mothers are wonderful and work so hard, yet they are often unappreciated, neglected and misunderstood! When I complained to my mom being tired with little kids or about my husband she would say, “God put you together as a family, you make the best of it, pray and it will all work out. Love your children and your husband as God loves you.” Wow so much wisdom. She didn’t give into my complaining, but she acknowledged it and she encouraged me toward greatness.

If you don’t have a cheerleader that is there to encourage you to greatness, let me take this opportunity to do this for you. You can take charge of your life today, invest in your family and you will find yourself so much stronger and happier. You can do this and you are not alone. Even if you live in the other corner of the world away from me, know you have a kindred spirit. We women are powerful and the voices of the outside world want to squelch this, but in you heart know that you are enough and your worth is not in what others think.

In the midst of adversity we have a choice to sink down or to rise up, and I pray that you rise up to the challenge. My family, my children and my husband—our relationships became stronger when we placed our faith in God first as the foundation of our lives. Mothers work behind the scenes for the most part and no one will ever see the wonderful things you do – that is outside of your family, and often they don’t appreciate the sacrifice or effort. Of course we want to be appreciated but, this side of heaven we may not see the fruits of our efforts. The power of womanhood is in the idea that we are more than we think we are because we were created in the image of God. Our soul and spirit are greater than what this world has for us, yet we are precious and special in the eyes of God – get right with God and all else will fall into place. God gives us the grace to do this.

Relationships matter. A relationship with the Almighty, then the relationship with your spouse. Often we place our kids first and then wonder why we are stressed and can’t handle another day.  But, without a good foundation of two, it makes raising children more difficult. It is hard to see the bigger picture. Once the kids are grown, many relationships fall apart. Invest in your spouse and work together as a team. Easier said than done (ask me how I know).

In life nothing in life is perfect, so quit expecting it in your motherhood and how you parent. We can’t always make our kids happy – in fact, only God can make a person happy. So, do your best, parent with love, and let go of the rest.

Motherhood never stops. As I began to write this episode my daughter was in the hospital waiting for an emergency C-section (her first one, but her ninth child). My granddaughter’s 16th birthday is a day away, and my daughter was concerned, from her hospital bed, that she wouldn’t be there for Samantha’s birthday! This is what we do, we mothers. On the other hand, I worry for my daughter, but I will ensure my granddaughter is pampered and spoiled on her birthday! The good news is that while I delayed the re-launch of this podcast, my ninth grandchild was born and not out of NICU yet, but praise God for the treatment he is receiving. We moms keep on going, because we must.

I pray that if you are discouraged or feel abandoned, you realize I AM HERE FOR YOU! Come over to our Facebook podcast family page, send me an email or know I am praying for you. Believe me when I say while it is nice to receive the accolades of others, you must be confident in the knowledge that God has you in the palm of His hand, even if it doesn’t feel that way!

We don’t need to be praised for being uniquely feminine, but by virtue, that is what we are. We can look at the Bible, which is a blessing for us, and look to the model of all Christian women everywhere, and that is Mary. She is the mother of our Savior but more than that, because of her example, her “Yes,” in the midst of adversity we can learn so much from her. She stayed quietly in the background yet when it came time for her to be strong, visit her cousin Elizabeth and we read the words in Scripture, “My soul magnifies the Lord,” we can see that this is no simple peasant girl on the inside. God infilled and inspired her. Luke 1:46-55

We read in Proverbs 31:28, “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, he praises her.”

And the 10 commandments – Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”

We as women are destined to greatness, and by virtue of motherhood, whether you have given birth, are a parent by marriage or adoption, or care for children in some way through volunteering. You, my friend, are called to a greater purpose. If you strive to live a virtuous life you will be rewarded by the grace to persevere.

Moms tend to be the strong ones in the family, yet as a mother, I encourage my husband to understand the power of fatherhood. (Listen to the podcast on the topic here.) Homes are the strongest when both parents are united.

Overall the destiny of motherhood is real.

The Destiny of Motherhood – Real-Life Application

  1. Love begins with a relationship. First, start with a strong relationship with God, then your spouse, and then your kids. This is building the kingdom of God in your own home.
  2. Our culture pushes women as objects rather than role models. My favorite clothing store had the motto, “Clothing for the role model.”
  3. Moms are the power behind the family; they are the ones everyone goes to in times of need.
  4. Look to your family and not out the window at others; the grass looks greener, but it never is (septic tank reference).
  5. Lastly, focus on home – your kids are with you for a short while. I know everyone says this, and when you are in the midst of dirty diapers up at all hours of the night and have your hands full with sick children, it can’t go fast enough. But you are leaving a legacy.

You, as a mother, are destined for greatness. There is power in motherhood, which comes from within, but it needs to be filled and encouraged. I want to share a book with you, One More Child, that I wrote a few years ago and is free on Kindle if you have an unlimited subscription, but it is free for a short time now in celebration of Mother’s Day.




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