Life Faith Hope Podcast - Ultimate Christian Podcast Network

Life Faith Hope Podcast - Ultimate Christian Podcast Network

Family First

July 02, 2020
Family First | Societies have broken apart because family first has been forgotten, and the family as the bedrock of society has been neglected. In this episode, we discuss how families can now take back your kids! My special guest is Denise Mira. | #podcast #christianpodcast #family first #family #keystohappyfamiliesFamily First – Family The Bedrock of Society – Episode 35

Societies have broken apart because family first has been forgotten, and as the bedrock of society has been neglected. In this episode, we discuss how families can now take back your kids! My special guest is Denise Mira.

Visit Denise at her website at

The bedrock of our society

  1. All societies’ problems are parenting problems
  2. When the family breaks down, society breaks down
  3. Marriage stats
  4. Crimes against single-parent kids
  5. The power of the family dinner table
  6. Mothering and Fathering vs. Managing
  7. Institutionalized society
  8. Parents are the superheroes of our culture

The nuclear family, two parents, and children which trumps all other ‘stated forms’ of the family in modern culture. Man and wife, two becoming one – is biblical. ‘For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh,’ Eph. 5:31.

It is a genius form of government providing everything a child needs to flourish. 

A strong family provides vital components to raise great kids: Leadership, love and nurture, accountability, self-government, protection, financial resource, and stability. Many, many children in our day do not have these most basic life necessities because they are spending more time in institutions from dawn to dusk, than at home with their God-given parents.

There are always daily struggles but you will learn that with the Lord all things are possible. It takes work but your children will benefit from a united front. It is important to realize that your children are watching even when you don’t think they are and so many times when they imitate our worse behaviors! However, guilt is not from the Lord – turn to the Scriptures and keep close to the Lord.

The post Family First appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.