Life Faith Hope Podcast - Ultimate Christian Podcast Network

Life Faith Hope Podcast - Ultimate Christian Podcast Network

Praying Moms

March 07, 2020

Praying Moms | Are you ready to pray effectively? Well, praying Moms are those of us who don't stop even in the face of great odds. Today my special guest Lucia Claborn will share how the Lord totally changed her life from a non-believer to one who loves the Lord and has prayed her way to victory in Christ. | #podcast #christianpodcast #prayingmoms #momswhopray #prayingforourfamilies #prayingthescriptures #JesusanswersprayerPraying Moms ~ Episode 30 with Lucia Claborn

Are you ready to pray effectively? Well, praying Moms are those of us who don’t stop even in the face of great odds. Today my special guest Lucia Claborn will share how the Lord totally changed her life from a non-believer to one who loves the Lord and has prayed her way to victory in Christ.

Lucia Claborn is the host of Secrets To Victorious Living right here on this podcast network!

Visit Lucia’s website for all of her wonderful books on praying the Scriptures, here.

Catch another interview with our sweet friend, Lucia on my Vintage Homeschool Moms show, Secrets to VictoriousFaith in Families

Lucia served in the military for 21 years and she was single and then got married after 11 years of service and had three children in three years, each eighteen months apart, and she thought she was done and didn’t think she could handle any more. She had returned from Virginia to Alabama and was doing the dishes, looking out of her window, having a conversation with God, She was asking God for specific things to change in her life and His answer was that would happen with another child to which Lucia was not open.

In her mind, she had all kinds of reasons why she couldn’t take care of another child.  Then she heard the Holy Ghost say, “Well, you know, you can do it your way or you can do it my way.” And she knew then that she was going to have another child. She agreed that her way had not worked for more than thirty years.

Her daughter Katie was born nine months later and is such a blessing to their family. Life wouldn’t be the same without this addition to their family and Lucia realized was truly a miracle in her life. She learned a better way to pray which she will share on this episode.

  1. Many times we start confessing the problem that we have, it may be, I don’t have enough money to make it through the week. My child is sick, Lord, you know, you’ve got to him heal him, etc. These prayers do not show faith.
  2. Many times we say, Father if it will be your will, you could do this. We know God’s will is and pray God’s will.
  3. Is your focus on healing? Lucia began to focus on prayers for healing: 1 Peter: 24
  4. We thank God ahead of time for the healing.
  5. Lucia and her family began to quote all the blessings daily. She prays these blessings for health for wholeness, for the Lord to take care of every one of their needs.

Lucia shared how the Lord provided even without insurance, how the Lord provided for food when they needed this, how the Lord provided for their home and more. When she began homeschooling the Lord provided the needed money for curriculum. She wants to encourage all of you to thank God for all things. Visit Lucia at


The post Praying Moms appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.