The Rhythm of Us

The Rhythm of Us

111. The Rhythm of Serving

February 10, 2022

Thanks for joining us for this podcast series as we work our way through the 5 rhythms of thriving marriages from our book, The Rhythm of Us. Last week we talked about the first rhythm: Speaking Life, and we hope you all got a chance to try out some of the practices we talked through! If you did, we would love to hear how it went, you can find us at or on social media. We’d love to hear how you’re doing on this journey towards a thriving marriage.

Today we’re jumping into the second rhythm, The Rhythm of Serving. We’re unpacking the transformative power behind this practice as well as three intentional ways we can begin to work this rhythm into our everyday lives! Listen in!

“The greatest among you will be your servant.”

Matthew 23:11

Order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

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