The Rhythm of Us

The Rhythm of Us

28: Katie Norris | Founder of Fotolanthropy

June 11, 2018

On today’s episode we have the honor of chatting with Katie Norris, founder & CEO of Fotolanthropy, a non profit film company that celebrates stories of hope and people who have defied great odds.Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, CNN, and Fox News.  Katie shares the story and heart behind this dream and call of God on her life that began just seven years ago and the journey of bringing that dream to life, inspiring and impacting millions along the way. Katie wins the award for making us cry a record amount of times in a podcast conversation. As you will soon hear, Katie has a remarkable gift of storytelling, and specifically sharing stories that deserve to be told. After hearing Katie’s story, you will be incredibly moved and inspired to bring your own dream to life and use the gifts God has given you to be a force for good in the community around you. Get your kleenexes ready, it’s a good one.






Chris and Jenni: Guys, welcome again to One Life. We are excited today to have a conversation with Katie Norris. Katie, thank you so much for coming on. We are so inspired by your story through what you're doing with Fotolanthropy. Thank you for being here today.


Katie: Well it is an honor to be here. Thank you guys for what you're doing and the way that you are just spreading such a great message, I'm really thankful to be a part of it today.


Chris and Jenni: Awesome. Well for our listeners who don't know you yet would you just take a minute and tell us a little bit more about yourself, who you are, and what you do.


Katie: Sure! Well first of all, I'm the wife to my husband, Reese. We're about to celebrate 10 years of marriage, so we’re really excited about that and it goes by fast!  And my favorite role in life right now is I'm a mother to a 2 year old little girl named Rose.  We had a very long battle with infertility to get to her and so she is just such a miracle in our lives, and I'm just really cherishing that time with her.   I'm also the founder of a nonprofit film organization called Fotolanthropy which has led to an incredible journey of actually becoming a film producer for documentaries, Travis: A Soldier's Story, The Luckiest Man, and the one we're working on right now called Seven Yards. I'm also the founder of a product line called the Fotostrap which is a giving based brand made up of leather camera straps and actually that brand of camera straps helps to support a lot of the work that we do with Fotolanthropy.


Chris and Jenni: That’s awesome. You're a woman of many talents!


Katie: Life is full that is for sure. And every day is different, but I wouldn't change it for the world.


Chris: Well, Jenni and I had the opportunity and honor to be at this gala a couple months ago and learn more about your story and what your organization is doing.  So, dive a little bit more into the Fotolanthropy Story. How did this happen? What sparked this thing?  What was the original dream behind it and kind of explain for our listeners a little bit more what exactly Fotolanthropy is and what you guys do.


Katie: Sure! And you're doing such a great job saying Fotolanthropy!

Jenni, I hope you’ll get to brag on Chris's prayer that night at the Gala, that was very meaningful to us, and I hope today we get to talk about your concept of hope dealers. It really touched me and it just gave us so much inspiration. So, at Fotolanthropy, our mission is to celebrate stories of hope of those who hav...