The Rhythm of Us

The Rhythm of Us

26: Heather MacFadyen | Raising Risk Takers

May 21, 2018

Since jumping into this world of podcasting, we’ve become students of really skilled conversationalists, and someone we have learned a ton from is our very special guest today, Heather MacFadyen.

She’s a refreshingly real speaker, blogger, and host of the popular podcast, The God Centered Mom. Heather does a phenomenal job creating a space for real, honest conversation, is always thoughtful of her listeners, and gives her guests plenty of room to share. In this episode you’ll hear the story and heart behind how Heather stumbled into podcasting and what she’s learned 5 years in and over 200 episodes later. We also chat with Heather about what she’s learned after almost 20 years of being married to an adventure loving entrepreneur, how to embrace a life where risk taking is the norm, and how to encourage healthy risk taking in our kids! We loved this conversation with our friend, Heather. She is just refreshingly authentic and honest; you are going to love her!





“What seemed like rejection actually opened the door to something new I had no idea God had for me.”


“It’s not about knowing more to direct my steps, it’s about knowing the One who directs my steps and trusting in Him to lead me.”


“Parenting is such a vital role, and yet we can’t find our identity in it.”


“We are who GOD says we are.”


“I had to realize, part of the enjoyment for (entrepreneur/risk takers) is is just thinking through the ideas.”



“I’ve learned to give him the space and freedom to process his ideas without crushing them.”


“The habit that’s connected our hearts more than anything has been taking walks together every Saturday morning.”


“We work best together when we remember we’re on the same team.”


“A common theme in my life before my husband was fear. Ironically, God partnered me with someone who is FINE with risk, who prefers risk, and actually thrives in it.”


“My tendency is to polarize everything for the boys, and I have to push myself to allow them to try something hard and that they might fail at.”


“We forget that our stories are shaping our kids’ stories too.”


“I encourage moms to pursue their gifts and passions because it models for our kids that we can.”


“What I’m discovering is that parenting is the greatest ministry.”


“We get to touch our kids’ soul in a way that no one else will.”






Maximize Your Mornings, Kat Lee


Pride & Humility, Scott Stewart




Maximize Your Mornings


Saturday Morning Walk as a  Couple



Don’t live in fear.





