The Rhythm of Us

The Rhythm of Us

23: Tom Nelson | What’s Your Calling?

April 30, 2018

On today's episode, we have the incredible honor of talking with the man, the myth, the legend . . . Pastor Tommy Nelson.  I can count on one hand the teachers who have influenced our lives most. When we teach our kids about Jesus, about life, character, and courage. We're usually quoting this guy right here!
He’s a former D1 Football Player who in his 60’s can still bench 300 & run 3 miles.
He’s been the pastor of Denton Bible Church for decades, he’s one of the greatest Bible teachers of our time, hands down. He’s known most for his incredible teaching on sex, marriage, and dating through the Song of Solomon, and he’s also known for just cutting the fluff and shooting straight!

We are so honored to welcome to the show today our very special guest…. Pastor Tommy Nelson.




“I never really had big plans, I would just go from horizon to horizon, trying to be faithful where I was, and I would just say, "God, you develop me." I've just always tried to read my Bible, pray, disciple men, and get others to do it. Someone told me early on, "Don't be concerned about the will of God for your life, be concerned about the will of God. The will of God is the great commission. Do that, and let God direst your path. And He always has."


"Great people are great because they're always faithful in basic things."


"Do what's right and let the chips fall where they may."


"The eyes of God move to and fro throughout the earth that He might strongly support the one whose heart is completely His."


"God can use anything to supply our needs."


"You have to have the confidence in doing what you know is right, even if it means suffering."


"Make the decision you can best shave with"


"There have been times in my ministry where I made decisions off what I felt was pressure, and everyone liked me, but I didn't sleep well. But I've also made lots of decisions where I could sleep well, but people didn't like me, and I was ok with that.  As long as me and God are ok."


“When your output exceeds your intake, your upkeep becomes your downfall."


"Protect your mornings, nights, and weekends."


“Always do everyday, something you absolutely delight in."


“As each has received a spiritual gift, employ it, as a good steward of the manifold grace of God."


"Everybody has an intuitive, instinctive ability to serve God. There are instinctive gifts, and whenever you get in the body of Christ, and whenever you get in the world and you seek to love them and serve, you're going to follow a certain intuitive, natural instinct."


"The greatest vexation we have is wasted potential."


“You look for the talents your spouse has, for the loves that they have, and then spend money, time, and whatever is needed to foment those things and let them grow."


"Find what you do well and deligate all the rest." Howard Hendrix


"If you to play with the big boys, you've got to get out where the big boys are."




“Start eating what the big boys eat."