One Hundred Centuries

Latest Episodes
Episode Seven: African-American Women’s Activism in the Progressive Era
Remember our episode a few weeks ago on womens clubs? Wed promised to get a little more detailed on African-American womens activism specifically, and today weve got it. Today, its also just me,
Episode Six: Take a Western Bath!
No, we’re not talking cowboys. Today we’re talking Western cultures’ bathing traditions (or lack thereof for certain historical periods). What was ancient bathing like? (Our resident classicist, Stephen, draws from his wealth of knowledge on this one.
Episode Five: The Conquest of Wales and The Wicked and the Just
This week, we do our first historical fiction spotlight and talk about the history behind it. The show begins with the basics of the Edwardian conquest of Wales and leads to a spoiler free discussion of THE WICKED AND THE JUST by J. Anderson Coats, a youn
Episode Four: Women’s Clubs Taking Action
For our first March podcast, we're honoring Women's History Month by focusing on - the the Women's Club Movement, a phenomenon associated with the later 19th and early 20th centuries. Women's clubs were a way for women to enact change in their com...
Episode Three: What Is the Holy Grail?
At last we have the relaunch episode of One Hundred Centuries! From now on, except for announced breaks, we should be releasing an episode every two weeks. - Today we look at two early sources for the grail legend: the earliest source,
Episode Two: The Hamilton-Burr Duel
This time we discuss the lives of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, as well as their famous duel that took place in 1804. It's kind of nutty to think that a vice president shot and killed a founding father. Was it murder? Was it legal (at the time) dueli
Episode One: Franz Ferdinand
For our very first episode, we discuss the life of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His assassination on June 28th, 1914 sparked the First World War. When you hear about his plans for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, you'll wonder how different 20th centu