One Hundred Centuries

Episode Seven: African-American Women’s Activism in the Progressive Era
Remember our episode a few weeks ago on women’s clubs? We’d promised to get a little more detailed on African-American women’s activism specifically, and today we’ve got it.

Today, it’s also just me, Connie, on the podcast. Stephen wasn’t able to record this time. He’ll be back for the next episode for sure.
If you’d like to learn more about these amazing ladies and what they did, check out the sources and links below.
Busch, A. M. (2004). Lifting as we climb: The National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs. Gateway Heritage Magazine. 24(4), 1-6. Retrieved from
Holland, E. (2010, February 1). Lifting as we climb: The women’s club movement [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Schneider, D. & Schneider C. J. (1993). American women in the progressive era. New York, NY: Facts on File.
Wormer, R. (2002). National Association of Colored Women. Retrieved from
P.S.: That last source has a link to read an address to the NACW by Mary Church Terrell.
Further Reading:
Comic about Ida B. Wells by Kate Beaton
Image Credit: Washington Area Spark, Flickr Creative Commons