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So...I’ve Been Reading Hebrews 6...
April 18, 2018

Question: Can You Lose Your Salvation? Quick answer: No. Every time I’ve ever known someone was reading the Book of Hebrews, they inevitably end up questioning the security of Salvation because of the tricky reading in Hebrews 6, specifically chap

Tats & Salvation: Why Do Bad Things Happen?
April 18, 2018

Question: Are Tattoos Sinful One of the worst things the modern church/christianity has turned into is a reactionary animal! PAUL told us to be trend setters. He said to basically ignore what everyone else is doing, do our own thing, live in the world bu

Why Do Bad Things Happen?: You've Got Questions
April 18, 2018

Question: Why Do Bad Things Happen? God does not cause bad things, but as long as we cause bad things, He will use it to further his purposes.

The #Reprobate #Doctrine is Stupid (and Dangerous)
February 09, 2018

The Reprobate Doctrine is a belief that those "practicing sins" or more specifically CERTAIN sins, basically its a thinly veiled slam on homosexuality. And while it is true, homosexuality is a sin, there are many sins with which people struggle.

The Greatest Gift - A Look At 1 Corinthians 13
February 09, 2018

Usually referred to as "The Love Chapter" 1 Corinthians chapter 13 is in fact about Love, true unselfish Love that the translators of the King James correctly chose to call "Charity". And the love, or charity that is spoken of is not

Portraits of Faith #2: Elisabeth
December 13, 2017

In part 2 of the Advent Series "Portraits of Faith" we take a look at the Mother of John the Baptist, and make an application that she was

Galatians #4: Galatians 3:26 - 4:20
December 06, 2017

In this section we go over the "adoption language" used by Paul, and how we are grafted into the vine, through adoption, into the offspring of Abraham

Living In Babylon #3: Fighting the Right Fights
December 04, 2017

In the 3rd and final part of the series on Daniel "Living in Babylon" We look at what it is like to live in and around those who don't follow God. And how to pick the correct fights. Because if we make mountains out of mole hills, we make the Go

Portraits of Faith #1: Zacharias
December 04, 2017

In the Advent Series "Portraits of Faith" we take a look at the Priest Zacharias. And we look at why fathers are vitally important.

Galatians #3: Chapter 3:1-25
December 04, 2017

Galatians chapter 3 contains some of the toughest scriptures in the entire Bible, so hold on, it gets rough.