The Redeeming God Podcast

The Redeeming God Podcast

Latest Episodes

Did God choose who would be Christians before the foundation of the world? (Ephesians 1:4-5)
October 24, 2018

In this teaching on Ephesians 1:4-5, I explain the biblical concepts of election, predestination, and adoption, showing you that God does NOT choose some to receive eternal life while everyone else receives eternal death.

What Romans 9 REALLY teaches about election
October 17, 2018

What does Paul mean about divine election in Romans 9 when he writes about God loving Jacob and hating Esau, making what he wants from clay, and hardening Pharaohs heart? This article answers these questions from Romans 9,

Election is to Service
October 10, 2018

The biblical teaching on election is a controversial issue in the church. But it need not be so. By carefully defining our terms and then looking at how the word election is used in context, we see that what the Bible teaches about election is not some...

Eternal Life vs. Discipleship in the Gospel of John
October 03, 2018

While the Gospel of John shows that eternal life is the free gift of God to anyone who believes in Jesus for it, it also shows that the path of discipleship has numerous other conditions and requirements. The Gospel of John does a great job showing the...

Does the Sermon on the Mount tell you how to receive eternal life? (An Interview with Kent Young)
September 26, 2018

It is critical to recognize that the Sermon on the Mount does not contain the offer of eternal life, because if we get confused on this fact, we will think that one gains eternal life by fulfilling the conditions and requirements Jesus talks about in t...

Are “believers in Jesus” and “disciples of Jesus” the same thing?
September 19, 2018

Here is a truth that will help you unpack many tricky and often-misunderstood Bible passages: Though all believers have eternal life, not all believers are disciples, and not all disciples are believers. Once you understand the difference between belie...

What is the second death? (Revelation 21:8)
September 11, 2018

Just as eternal life is a life lived in eternity where we live life to its full potential, so eternal death, or the second death is a life lived in eternity where people achieve none of their potential. It is a life of everlasting death.

What does “passed from death to life” mean in 1 John 3:14?
September 04, 2018

When John writes in 1 John 3:14 that we know we have passed from death to life because we love our brethren, he is not talking about how we know we have eternal life, but how we know we are in fellowship with God and one another.

Frank Viola gives me the shivers (in a GOOD way!)
July 19, 2018

Frank Viola, author of Insurgence, joins me to discuss the Gospel of the Kingdom and what it really means to seek the Kingdom of God in our lives here and now. They also look at Luke 17:20-21 and Matthew 11:12 and what these passages teach about the ki...

What is dead faith? (James 2:14-26)
June 27, 2018

When James writes about dead faith in James 2:14-26, many people think he is referring to faith that does not exist. But this is not the message of James. What is dead faith? It is useless faith. It is faith that does exist,