The Redeeming God Podcast

The Redeeming God Podcast

Latest Episodes

What is Hades in the Bible? Is it hell?
April 04, 2019

Is hell a good translation of the Greek word hades? No. It is not. While the most basic meaning for hades is similar to sheol, the grave, further development in the New Testament era reveals that hades can primarily be understood as the power of despai...

Do the words Abyss or Tartarus refer to hell?
March 28, 2019

This study considers the words 'abyss' and 'tartarus' to see if they teach us about hell. The answer is that they do not. Neither word tells us about the dwelling place of the unregenerate dead for all eternity.

What is the Outer Darkness in the Bible? Is it hell?
March 20, 2019

The outer darkness in Matthew is NOT a reference to hell, but is instead a way of describing the profound shame and regret that some Christians will experience when Jesus returns physically to this earth. Rather than celebrate in the Wedding Feast of t...

What is Gehenna? Is it hell?
March 12, 2019

This study is pulled from my book, What is Hell? This study shows that Gehenna was an actual place that existed in the days of Jesus (and still exists today), and so when we understand what Gehenna was, we better understand what Jesus was teaching when...

What is Sheol? Is it hell?
March 06, 2019

Sheol is not hell. Which means hell is not talked about in the Old Testament.

I interviewed Frank Viola about his book, ReGrace, and he accused me of heresy.
March 05, 2019

Frank Viola has a new book out titled ReGrace. I interviewed him about it, and in it, he said that some of my views are CRAZY. But I think some of his views are crazy too. And this is completely fine. We ALL have some crazy views,

How can Christians find Fellowship? A discussion with Richard Jacobson (Hebrews 10:25)
February 20, 2019

Millions of Christians have questions about church and how to find true Christian fellowship. In this podcast interview, Richard Jacobson and Jeremy Myers discuss how to be the church and why Hebrews 10:25 does not teach that all Christians must attend...

Do you ever feel like an outcast? Listen to this discussion about Mark 1:40-45 with Eric Nevins
February 19, 2019

I sat down with Eric Nevins today to discuss Mark 1:40-45, a passage where Jesus interacts with a leper. If you have ever felt like an outcast, or that people reject and despise you, you will really enjoy this discussion of the interaction between Jesu...

You can have a Relationship without Fellowship, but it’s not what God wants (1 John 1:6-7)
February 13, 2019

You can have a relationship without fellowship...

Even the Demons Believe (James 2:19)
February 06, 2019

Some people use James 2:19 and the faith of demons in an attempt to refute the idea that faith alone grants eternal life. This shows a misunderstanding of James 2:19.