One Strong Woman Podcast w/C.A Buycks
OSW 006 – My Prayer Journey (Part 2)
“pray without ceasing”
~Apostle Paul (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
In this episode, my beloved husband and I continue our discussion on prayer. There was a season in my life that I couldn't and didn't want to pray. It was a very hard and dark season of the soul. Listen and see what happen to my prayer life and relationship with God during that dark season.
We'll discuss:
Honesty and consistency in prayer.
How I couldn't pray at one time?
How to press through during a dry season?
Thank you for taking the time to be inspired and encouraged to be One Strong Woman.
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In a future posts, I will do a “Things You Wanna Know About Me” segment. Email me your questions or topics and I will answer them on a future podcast.
How is your prayer life? Is it easy or hard for you to pray right now? Why do you think Jesus's disciples asked him to "teach them how to pray" instead of preach, baptize, or teach? What has worked for you along your prayer journey?