Travel – One Perfect Day In

Travel – One Perfect Day In

Washington, DC – 7 Major Museums – Highlights and Walking Tour – Podcast 013

July 28, 2017

(Click above to listen to the podcast. See below for information and pictures.)
Washington, DC can be a little overwhelming with so many world-class things to see and do available to you. This podcast highlights 7 of the don’t-miss top museums along the National Mall, and they are all free to visit. Pictures, links, and maps are included below to provide additional resources to help you enjoy the museums. The letters beside each of the museums highlighted below correspond to the letters on the screenshots of the maps.
The maps are also interactive on the walkli website
1-A-Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
Begin your walk at 600 Independence Avenue SW at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC. If you want to visit, be sure to get here early in the morning, because this popular museum can get quite crowded. It is worth your time to see some of the highlights, including the Wright Brothers’ 1903 Wright Flyer, Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis, the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia, and a lunar rock you can touch. Also, while all Smithsonian Museums are free, there is a charge to view the IMAX movies that are shown here.
For more information, access the official website at:
2-B-Smithsonian Castle
Walk behind the National Air and Space Museum toward the National Mall and turn left, walking toward the Washington Monument. Walk to the Smithsonian Castle. The castle was the original Smithsonian Museum. It is on the National Register of Historic Places, and it now houses administrative offices and a café. The café serves delicious specialty sandwiches, soups, pastries, organic salads, antipasti, espresso/cappuccino, teas, bottled beverages, beer, wine, and novelty ice cream (seasonal). Open 8:30 am – 5:00 pm daily. The information desk provides information about all Smithsonian Museums.
For more information, access the official website at:
3-C-United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
From the Smithsonian Castle Information Center, continue walking through the National Mall in the direction of the Washington Monument. Walk to 14th Street and turn left. The Holocaust Museum will be just on your right. The museum’s permanent exhibit tells the history of the Holocaust from 1933 to 1945. It spans three floors. It presents a chronological narrative of the Holocaust through historical artifacts, photographs, and film footage. Throughout the exhibition, visitors will also encounter personal objects and the eyewitness testimonies of individual survivors. The Museum distributes identification cards at the entrance to the Permanent Exhibition to help personalize the events of the Holocaust. You will learn the fate of your assigned Holocaust survivor or victim at the end of your self-guided tour. Open 10 am – 5 pm daily, except for Yom Kippur and Christmas Day.
For more information or to reserve tickets in advance, access the official website at:
4-D-National Museum of African American Culture and History
Head back toward the National Mall on 14th Street. The Smithsonian Museum of African American Culture and History will be on your left just before Constitution Avenue. This popular museum opened in 2016. Reserve your free tickets in advance if you want to make sure you can enter. The museum is devoted exclusively to the documentation of African American life, history, and culture. The galleries explore slavery, segregation, and freedom. Featured artifacts include Harriett Tubman’s shawl and hymn book,