One Final Scare

One Final Scare

EP 18: We Are The Flesh

May 21, 2017

Tracy and Minki watched a porn on Mother’s Day...or so it seems. That’s right—these dedicated hosts ditched their moms to watch and discuss this Mexican horror. There is definitely lots of nudity, close-up shots of genitalia and graphic sex scenes in this unique film. Oh wait, there was also some murder and cannibalism, but definitely less of that in this art-house, surreal erotic horror. Nice camera and lighting work, mixed with a solid portrayal of a mad man who has a very strange desire to return to the safety and warmth of his mother’s womb (HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!) should make up for the strange plot and excessively long scenes, but...not so much. For the most part, this movie doesn’t live up to its a horror. Though, maybe the word “Flesh” was more indicative of all the nakedness. So, tune in to hear them recount this dreamlike, or rather, nightmarish movie.

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Theme music by Josh Cheung