On the SPOT - Technology Podcast

On the SPOT - Technology Podcast

Virtual Africa Road Trip with Oluwatosin Anishere (Tosi) – #OTSTWIT E33

August 08, 2021

On this episode of This Week in Teams, Jay and I talked with Oluwatosin Anishere (Tosi), a technical consultant for Wragby Business Solutions. Technologies in Nigeria. Tosi is an accomplished Microsoft Certified Trainer and Consultant with ten years of experience specializing in Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 Technologies. Her expertise is in administrating Microsoft 365 and architecting Microsoft based Identity, Security and Governance solutions.

OTSTWIT E33 – Virtual Africa Road Trip: Is Microsoft Teams Captain Marvel?Recorded April 22, 2021 with Oluwatosin Anishere – Released August 07, 2021

Tosi has onboarded over a thousand Engineers in Nigeria, UK and the US that support Enterprise Customers for Microsoft Globally. As a consultant, she leads projects, deliver end-to-end infrastructure management solutions in a cloud environment. She has also been a Mentor at TechStylers and enjoys working with the tech community to help other women aspiring women develop their careers and we explore Tosi’s background, her volunteer work, and her thoughts on Teams in this episode.

Tosi also loves movies and has an interesting take on SharePoint and Teams towards the end of the interview where she tells us that they are like Marvel characters, Captain America and Captain Marvel, they both have superpowers, but use them in a different way to help people.

To learn more from Tosi Anishere, you can find her on LinkedIn.

Complete transcript below:

Jay Leask 0:26All right. Good morning or good afternoon. today are the recording day of this is April 22. It’s probably not going to be April 22 when you’re listening to this, but my name is Jay leask. I have with me as usual, Craig Jahnke. And our very special guests from Nigeria. Oluwatosin Anishere, Tosi, welcome to the this week in teams.

Tosi 0:51Thank you. Thank you. Hello, Craig. Hello. Thank you for having me here.

Jay Leask 0:58Of course, it’s our pleasure. So

Craig Jahnke 1:00when we’re playing for this, it was we’re always excited to talk to new people, like you especially. Yeah, same here.

Jay Leask 1:11So, um, Tosi, thank you for joining us. We’re very excited to talk about teams and your interaction with the industry in Nigeria. So can you tell us a little bit about yourself? And what brings you to talking with us, I guess.

Tosi 1:31All right. Once again, my name is oluwatosin. ensure a technical consultant for Wragby Business Solutions. Technology limited here in Nigeria. I specialize in Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft 365, also a Microsoft certified trainer, I have actually embedded engineers in Nigeria, in the US and UK, that are supporting enterprise customers. for Microsoft globally. I enjoy meeting new people, just like you’re a Greg. I love traveling. I love reading. And I love watching movie. I’m actually a member of a book club, where we review book every month, as well as Movie Club, where we review movies every week. So so every Yeah, every month, sometimes the making weekly, sometimes the making monthly depending on, you know, the agenda for the month. But also Kelly we review our monthly. I like not to speak I like to talk. I enjoy any platform that gives me opportunity to talk about know my technical experience. I also mentor of for aspiring women in tech, I’m a volunteer for TechStylers.

Jay Leask 2:59That nice. That’s awesome.

Craig Jahnke 3:03Yes, that is that is really cool.
