On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR APRIL 22, 2022: Continuing War on Information in Ukraine… Demanding Police Accountability… Plus Headlines Honoring Paul Robeson and Scrutinizing State Repression By Zelensky… And More

April 22, 2022

As the war in Ukraine escalates, so does the U.S. War on information, truth and facts. We speak to Journalist Jon Jeter for OUR APRIL EPISODE OF On the Media. And police accountability activists sound the alarm as needed reforms fought for after the murder of George Floyd, are scuttled by local officials.  

Plus headlines: Grayzone exposes Zelensky overseeing a campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political oppositions… Gonzalo Lira… Patrick Lyoya… DOJ Slaps Mississippi Prison… Assange… Florida Bans ‘CRT’ Math Books… Paul Robeson birthday celebration. More voices: Beverly John and Kymone Freeman of WeAct Radio.

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