On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR APRIL 8, 2022: Joe Lauria on Bucha and the Fog and Lies of War… Ajamu Baraka on the Propagandized American Public… Poor People’s Campaign Report: A Pandemic of the Poor… Plus Toward June 18 Mass March… And Mo

April 08, 2022

Is an alleged massacre in the Ukrainian town of Bucha part of the fog of war or the lies of war? We speak to human rights activist Ajamu Baraka and Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria. And marking the Rev. Martin Luther King’s Beyond Vietnam speech, activists with the Poor People’s Campaign release a new report about the pandemic in the U.S. as a pandemic of the poor. The campaign is organizing for their Mass Moral March on Washington on June 18th.  

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