On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR MARCH 4, 2022: The War in Ukraine as a War of Words and Facts… Jon Jeter on the Media… DOJ Rally to Free Mumia, Peltier and Assange… Plus Headlines

March 04, 2022

The war in Ukraine is also a war of words, a fight on the battlefield for ideas and truth. We speak to journalist Jon Jeter about fact-free Western coverage. And thanks to independent media voices, the hypocrisy and racism of the U.S. and NATO, which have invaded and destroyed countries with people of color throughout the globe, is laid bare.

Plus headlines: Mother of Tamir Rice, who was shot and killed by Cleveland police, speaks at activist gathering; DC substitute teachers continue protests. Russian news outlets, artists and athletes targeted. Public memorial for WPFW news director Askia Muhammad. Native American activist Peter Brooks speaks at ‘Free All Political Prisoners’ rally at the Department of Justice on February 28, 2022.

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Photo: From video shared by blackwithnochaser