On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR JUNE 25, 2021: Protesters Converge on DC for Voting and Human Rights… Army General Schools Congress on Systemic Racism… Journalist Jon Jeter on U.S. Anti-Intellectualism

June 25, 2021

During a week when the right-wing of the Senate blocked debate on voting rights legislation, protesters converged on Washington DC to demand action, not just for voter protections, but for climate justice, housing, healthcare, immigrant rights and jobs. Meanwhile, As Republican lawmakers  disparage education about systemic racism, they get schooled by an army general. Also, I speak to Journalist Jon Jeter about the latest effort of government and corporate media to suppress ideas and facts.

Voices: Jon Jeter and voices rallying at the Supreme Court June 24, 2021, including the Rev. Steven Green of Faith for Black Lives and Marie Follaytor of Mainers for Responsible Government.

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