On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR JUNE 11, 2021: Climate Activists Say No Retreat on Infrastructure… Gerald Horne on Anti-China Bill and Killer Robots… Plus Headlines on Ilhan Omar’s Truth to Power, Line 3 Protests, #BlocktheBoat and More

June 11, 2021

Climate, labor and indigenous activists feel betrayed by Biden's negotiations with Republicans to possibly cut his infrastructure bill even more, scuttling already pared-back projects to address the climate crisis and create good jobs. We hear from activists speaking at a rally on May 24, 2021 organized by the Sunrise Movement in front of the White House. Gerald Horne weighs in on the anti-China US Innovation and Competition Act passed by Congress and "autonomous" drones killing Libyans. 

Plus Headlines: Rep. Ilhan Omar attacked again for speaking truth to power... Human right activists block Israeli boat from docking in Oakland... VP Kamala Harris first foreign policy trip "a disaster." ...Keystone XL pipeline terminated... Hundreds arrested at Line 3 protest... Climate activists urge Biden to not shrink his infrastructure plan and to negotiate with them, the people who elected him, and not Republicans... Update on June 1, 2020 attack on BLM protesters in DC... DC activists trying to save McMillan Park from developers head to federal court.

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