On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR APRIL 23, 2021: Truth, Lies and Videotape: A Guilty Verdict for Chauvin But Police Killings Mount… Earth Day 2021… Republicans Move to Criminalize Protest… The Latest on UN Fake Syria Reports… Plus Headlines

April 23, 2021

This jam-packed week included a guilty verdict for Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd and Earth Day 2021, as climate experts say we have less than seven years to stave off the worst impacts of climate catastrophe. And in our monthly extended segment on culture and media: TRUTH, LIES and VIDEOTAPE; How one 17-year-old stepped forward in history; first they came for your vote, now they're coming for your protest sign. And the latest in the scandal of fake UN reporting on Syria.

With Jon Jeter, residents of Newport News and Hampton Roads Va. in Hip Hop Caucus Earth Day video, Eola Lewis Dance, Sean Blackmon, Cori Bush.

 The show is made possible only by our volunteer energy, our resolve to keep the people's voices on the air, and by support from our listeners. In this new era of fake corporate news, we have to be and support our own media! Please click here or click on the Support-Donate tab on this website to subscribe for as little as $3 a month. We are so grateful for this small but growing amount of monthly crowdsource funding on Patreon. You can also give a one-time or recurring donation on PayPal. Thank you!