On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR OCTOBER 9, 2020: Why Has Washington Abandoned the American People?… The White House as a Vector for Bad Germs, Bad Information and Bad Attitudes…Plus Headlines on Michigan Militia Plot, Julian Assange and More

October 09, 2020

With tens of millions of Americans out of work, facing eviction and hunger, the U.S. Senate goes on recess without voting on COVID relief legislation. We speak to journalist David Dayen about why Washington has abandoned the American people. And with 34 and counting infected with coronavirus at the White House, is the Trump administration spreading both the virus and bad habits in DC? We speak to pediatrician and human rights activist Dr. Margaret Flowers.

Plus headlines on Michigan militia plot... More than 1.2 million Americans filed new unemployment claims... Frontline workers sue the Trump administration... Poor People's campaign Moral Mondays continue to target Senate Leader McConnell... Chantal James covers talk by Professor David Fontana on what could be Amy Coney Barrett’s impact on the Supreme Court... Thomas O'Rourke reports on the final week of the extradition trial of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange... Fannie Lou Hamer's birthday.

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