On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2020: The Other Sept. 11… Remembering Activist Kevin Zeese…On the Ground with Alternative Voices for 2020…Plus Headlines on Defunding the Police and More…

September 11, 2020

Whether it was the fight against fracking, corporate power or NATO, nationally known activist Kevin Zeese always fought for the people and for peace. We hear from Kevin in his own words. And more on alternative voices in the 2020 national elections. We follow up with Nick Brana of the Movement for a People's Party. We also follow Gloria La Riva of the Party for Socialism and Liberation as she and her team advocate for ignored survivors of Hurricane Laura in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Also, Gerald Horne on Sept. 11.

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