On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR JULY 17, 2020: The ACLU Speaks Up for Protesters Assaulted By Police… The F-Word: Maybe Now FERC Will Stand Up for People Not Pipelines… Headlines on Portland, the COVID Back-to-School… And Much More…

July 18, 2020

Corporate media and gatekeepers try their best to ignore the national Movement Against Racism. And they also ignore ongoing police brutality against peaceful protesters. We speak to ACLU DC attorney Scott Michelman, who is suing the Trump Administration and DC's police department. And this month's episode of the F-Word on Fascism: After more than a decade of doing the bidding of corporations, seizing homes of Americans and poisoning communities with fracking, drilling and pipelines, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission may be forced to end its abuse. We speak to veteran human rights and environmental activist Ted Glick. Plus headlines on Portland, the COVID Back-to-School and much more….

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