On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR NOVEMBER 1, 2019: Protesting the Bitter Fruits of Neoliberalism..Hundreds Gather in Cuba for Anti-Imperialist Conference…Remembering the Best of Jon Conyers and More…

November 03, 2019

Millions Protest Bitter Fruits of Neoliberalism..Hundreds Gather in Cuba for Anti-Imperialist Conference...Remembering the Best of Jon Conyers and More Headlines: NOTE: THIS SHOW DID NOT AIR ON THE DC STATION SO CHECK IT OUT HERE.

* After weeks of mass protests throughout Iraq, a number of rockets struck near the US embassy in Bagdad’s Green Zone. * Hundreds of people are gathering through Sunday, November 3 in Havana, Cuba for the Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism.  * Several members of the Congressional Black Caucus led a tribute on the House floor to former Representative John Conyers (D-MI), who died on October 27 at the age of 90. * A coalition of foreign and American car companies is backing the Trump administration in an ongoing lawsuit with California over fuel economy standards.* A climate action called Fire Drill Fridays, initiated by actress Jane Fonda, is rallying at the U.S. Capital every Friday.* Hundreds attended the Reclaim Rent Control campaign kick-off in Northwest DC.* The 14h birthday of Relisha Rudd, a girl who went missing from a DC homeless shelter six years ago, was celebrated this week.* The National Park Service has scrapped a plan to consider charging fees for demonstrations around the National Mall and the White House.* Max Blumenthal, editor of the news site The Grayzone, was arrested on the morning of October 25 on a fabricated charge related to this year’s siege of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC.* The embattled New York Pacifica radio station WBAI heads back to court on November 6th seeking to have its local programming restored, after Pacifica’s interim director John Vernile forcibly shut down the station on October 7th and piped in content from California without authorization from the foundation’s full national board. * Ronald Moten, co-founder of Don’t Mute DC, wrote an op-ed about the high cost of Nats World Series tickets.

Post photo from video by DC Jobs With Justice

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