On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR APRIL 5, 2019: NATO Denounced for Wars and MLK Honored as Visionary on April 4…National Focus on Gentrification and Housing Crisis…And More

April 05, 2019

Peace activists meet in DC and denounce the NATO military alliance celebrating its anniversary on day the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Organizers said that Kings triple evils of capitalism, militarism and racism have been joined by an environmental crisis that threatens all of humanity.

Voices: Jaribu Hill – Mississippi Workers Center for Human RightsOmali Yeshitela – Chairman of Black is BackThe Rev. Graylan Hagler — Pastor of Plymouth United Church of Christ Luci Murphy and Ben Grosscup – Musical Artists Dr. Margaret Flowers—Co-founder of Popular ResistanceHowie Hawkins – Politician and activistKevin Zeese – Co-founder of Popular ResistanceMC—David Swanson of World Beyond War

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