On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR JANUARY 13, 2017: The People’s Tribunal on the Iraq War, Day Two: The Costs

January 14, 2017

Voices from day two of the People's Tribunal on the Iraq War. The tribunal was sponsored by Code Pink Dec. first and second 2016 here in Washington DC at the University of the District of Columbia Law School. On our last show, we featured voices from the first day of the tribunal, which focused on the lies used to invade Iraq in 2003—lies, war crimes and other violations of international law that killed, injured and displaced millions of Iraqis and destroyed their country. Day 2, featured on today’s show, focuses on the costs of the invasion. IN ADDITION TO THE FIVE TRILLION in US TREASURE WASTED on the illegal war,the additional costs to the people and land of Iraq, ongoing human costs to the invading country—the United States, costs to the planet and so much more. Participants called for truth and accountability because To this day, in 2017, no one has been held accountable as the United States continues to make war in Iraq, throughout the Middle East and builds up arms and soldiers on the border of Russia. The tribunal is an ongoing online project that can reached and viewed in full at www.iraqtribunal.org.
Pictured on this post: Rachel Gilmer of the Dream Defenders and the Movement for Black Lives testifying at the tribunal.