On the Ground with Samaritan's Purse

On the Ground with Samaritan's Purse

5 Minutes in 4 Places: Colombia, Yemen, Ethiopia, Ukraine

April 27, 2022

The headlines are changing every hour. Across the globe, people are experiencing hopelessness, but Samaritan’s Purse is working to provide help in Jesus’ Name. Come alongside Kristy Graham as she hears updates from four corners of the world where our teams are helping after the migrant crisis in Colombia, humanitarian crisis in Yemen, devastation in Ethiopia and conflict in Ukraine.


Samaritan’s Purse website

Meeting Ukrainians’ Critical Needs in Jesus’ Name

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website

Show Notes

“It’s messy work, it’s challenging work, but it’s worth it. I want folks to be aware of the crises happening around the world.” —Samaritan’s Purse Country Director Eric Huxley

Kristy Graham is taking you around the world in today’s episode to share how Samaritan’s Purse is working in Colombia, Yemen, Ethiopia, and Ukraine. She first hears from Eric Huxley, the Samaritan’s Purse country director for Colombia.

After years of focusing their efforts on the Venezuelan migrant crisis at the border, the Samaritan’s Purse Colombia team is now seeing migrants settle into permanent communities. Eric shares that the team is working with local churches to provide ways for these migrants to integrate into their new neighborhoods.

“Our teams on the ground in Colombia know better than most what it’s like to work with and show the love of Jesus to people resettling,” Kristy shares.

Next, Caleb Drown, the Samaritan’s Purse regional director of the Middle East, talks about how the staff in Yemen are working to bring hope through relief in the midst of one of the biggest humanitarian crises today.

All throughout Yemen, people are facing unthinkable trauma as they fight for basic human necessities like clean water and safety. In response to these needs, the ministry is establishing water treatment facilities that allow access to clean water for thousands of people.

Another major crisis that Samaritan’s Purse is responding to is in Ethiopia during their active conflict. Ryan Lane, the country director for Ethiopia, joined the podcast team over Zoom to give an update.

“Samaritan’s Purse is stepping into the needs [in Ethiopia] from addressing the housing crisis caused by thousands of families that had their houses burned down to providing medical care when a lot of medical facilities had been damaged or destroyed,” Ryan said. “It was a very big deal, and we’re continuing to serve in the area as best as we possibly can.”

Kristy closes the episode with the latest news from Samaritan’s Purse work in Ukraine. Our teams are seeing God move in extraordinary ways, even in the midst of heartbreaking conflict. Please continue to pray for people around the world that are facing hardships, and for our teams that are working to provide hope.


