ON BOYS Podcast

ON BOYS Podcast

Back to School 2020

August 06, 2020

Back to School 2020 will go down in the annals of history.

Image via PixaBay

The United States (and world) is still wrestling with the coronavirus pandemic. Schools are slated to "open" -- whether virtually or literally or some combination thereof -- in a few weeks. Some, in fact, have already opened.

There's so much we don't yet know about this school year -- if in-person school will be possible, feasible or safe; if students' mental health will suffer more if schools open or close; if schools will become significant hot spots within communities -- but there's one thing that's abundantly clear: This year will be different. And challenging. As Jenny Albers wrote in a post published by TODAY, “Everything about the upcoming school year feels wrong." 

Back to school prep in 2020 will be like no other. In years past, you shopped for backpacks; now, you're looking for masks, hand sanitizer and (maybe) homeschool curriculum. In years past, you worried about separation anxiety, about how to deal with your son's tears (and your own) when you drop him off at preschool, kindergarten or college. This year, you worry he won't have the opportunity to leave.

Our normal rhythms and routines have been completely upended; there's nothing familiar about back to school 2020. As this pandemic has taught us again and again (and again), NOTHING is CERTAIN. We must be ready to PIVOT at a moment’s notice.

Keep your child’s mental and physical health (as well as the health and well-being of your family) top-of-mind as you ponder your next steps. Remember: you can change your mind at any time. This is a time to put aside judgments and support each family in making the decision that is right for them.
In this episode, Janet & Jen discuss:

* Making the best educational choice for your family
* Why you should ignore others' opinions
* All the terms -- Homeschool. Unschool. Outdoor school. Hybrid learning. Remote learning. Learning pods.
* Managing remote learning
* Helping boys learn via Zoom
* When (& why) to stop fighting about school
* Working from home while homeschooling
* Creating a schedule

Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:
Everything About the Upcoming School Year Feels Wrong -- TODAY post by Jenny Albers

Why One School is Turning to Outdoor Classrooms Amid Coronavirus  --

What About School? -- Building Boys post

Parenting Teenage Boys w Joshua Wayne -- ON BOYS episode mentioned at 18:50
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