ON BOYS Podcast
103: Sports and Boys Who Don’t Like Them
Photo by woodleywonderworks via Flickr
Sports are a HUGE part of boy world -- and that's a problem for boys who aren't interested in or don't particularly enjoy athletics.
In this episode, Jen & Janet discuss:
* Why it's so important for parents to separate their athletic ambitions from their sons'
* How families can resist social pressure to sign up for sports
* Alternative ways to encourage activity, build teamwork and socialize
* How to identify and support your sons' true interests
* Strategies parents and teachers can use to make recess and PE class more tolerable for (and inclusive of!) non-athletic kids
Links we mentioned (and more!) in Episode 103:
The Last Boys Picked: Helping Boys Who Don't Play Sports Survive Bullies and Boyhood, by Janet Sasson Edgette
Helping "The Last Boys Picked" Survive in Sports-Obsessed Schools by Janet Sasson Edgette
Signs at School of Troubled Non-Athletic Boys by Jennifer LW Fink
Being a Non-Sporty Boy in a Sports-Driven Culture by Janet Sasson Edgette
Watch the UNCUT version on Youtube here.
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