ON BOYS Podcast

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Helping Boys Find A Path to Manhood
How do we help boys along the path to manhood?Thats a questionPaul Cumbo, a veteran educator, has been asking for a long time. Its one hes well-positioned to answer too, given that hes spent the past few decades of his life teaching, educating, and
Raising Boys Beyond the Man Box
How can we help our boys grow into healthy men? - Ted Bunch, chief development officer of A Call to Men, says he thinks that the key is to support our boys as they become their authentic selves. - Ted Bunch -
Raising Empowered Athletes w Kirsten Jones
Raising Empowered Athletes,by former D1 athleteKirsten Jones, is the book parents need to navigate todays youth sports culture.Kids do not need to begin formal sports instruction in preschool, and they dont need to specialize in a single sport in orde
Phyllis Fagell Discusses Middle School Superpowers
Middle school students are superheroes in the making,says Phyllis Fagell, a school counselor, mom, and author ofMiddle School Superpowers: Raising Resilient Tweens in Turbulent Times.If that sounds crazy to you, consider this: middle schoolers and sup
Body Image, Eating Disorders, & Boys
Body image concerns and eating disorders affect boys too.As many as 75% of adolescent boys are dissatisfied with their bodies. 3% are now using steroids in an attempt to alter their bodies, 7% use supplements, and a 2019 study found that 1 in 5 guys aged
How to Be an Unflustered Mom
Yes, you can be an unflustered mom.Identifying your anxiety style is the first step, says Amber Trueblood, a mom of four boys (currently ages 10, 12, 14, & 15) and author ofThe Unflustered Mom: How Understanding the Five Anxiety Styles Transforms the
Managing Medical Expenses
Medical expenses are a part of life.(Particularly if you live in the United States!)Figuring out how to budget and pay for well-child checks, sports physicals, ER and urgent care visits, and recommended screenings is confusing and overwhelming. Health i
Why Now is the Best Time to Raise Boys (w Michael Reichert)
Now is the best time to raise boys, says psychologistMichael Reichert,founding director of the Center for the Study of Boys & Girls Lives,author ofHow to Raise a Boy, and co-author of Equimundos recentState of American Menreport.It doesntf
Sue Atkins Tackles Common Parenting Questions
Sue Atkins encourages parents to slow down, relax, & learn from their children.We are rushing through life, says the UK parenting guru.. We rush everything we rush our children to eat their breakfast, to do their shoes up, to brush their teeth. A
“Whole Child, Whole Life” w Stephanie Malia Krauss
The Whole Child, Whole Life approach can help kids thrive.Stephanie Malia Krauss, a mom of two boys and an author with a background in education and social work, wroteWhole Child, Whole life: 10 Ways to Help Kids Live, Learn, & Thrivebecause she rea