Today in Energy

Today in Energy

Latest Episodes

Today in Energy – Rebecca Hofmann and Camilo Mejia
July 01, 2024

Rebecca Hoffman and Camilo Mejia explain Blockchain For Energy and how companies are managing carbon emissions.

Today in Energy – Warren Martin
May 28, 2024

Warren Martin, Kansas Strong, launches a new energy awareness campaign titled Do Your Own Research

Today in Energy – Duane Sand
May 26, 2024

Duane Sand, entrepreneur and nuclear energy expert, talks about the changes in nuclear power and why more communities are looking at bringing nuclear power to town.

Today in Energy – Curtis Jundt
May 15, 2024

Curtis Jundt, pipeline expert, explains how carbon pipelines and natural gas pipelines are different.

Today In Energy – Jodi Johnson
May 08, 2024

Jodi Johnson, CEO, Red Trail Energy, talks about their carbon capture project of storing carbon onsite adjacent to their ethanol facility.

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 63: The Cleanest Refinery on the Planet
April 19, 2019

William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group, gives an update on the Davis Refinery, being constructed in the Bakken oil fields. The location of the refinery, near Belfield, is close to major transportation and distribution arteries. -

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 35: The Paradigm Shift in Oil and Gas
April 02, 2019

Dayle Ranger, Innovation Project Manager, discusses the differences between the United States and Canada in regards to oil and gas development. Ranger says there has been a paradigm shift in how we drill and because of that,

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 32: Big Data and Drones in Oil and Gas
March 29, 2019

Anthony Molzahn, co-founder, Aegis Flow, sits down with Jason Spiess to discuss the AUS industry and how it integrates into the oil and gas industry. The two also discuss how the ripple ends up reversing and the oil and gas industry begins to impact th...

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 27: NAPE, Organic Seeds and Millenials
February 22, 2019

Teresa Podell, owner, Prairie Road Organic Seed explains why history and heritage have value in seeds. Prairie Road Organic Farm has been certified organic since 1977. A primary focus of their farm is to feed themselves and to eat well,

Building The Bakken Radio Interview: Sarah Skinner, Oilman Magazine
December 16, 2018

Sarah Skinner, Oilman Magazine, gives a preview of their current issue of the Oilman Magazine. Skinner talks about the features related to bridging the skills gap in the energy industry.