Context is for Kings

Latest Episodes
Elections, Elections, and more Elections | Ep 52
In this episode, Jordan discusses lots of elections. Wanna know about the UK elections, we talk about it. Wanna know about the French elections, we talk about it. Indian elections, yup, cover that one
Infamous Scandals IV: Watergate (yes…that one) | Ep 52
In this episode Jordan talks about the granddaddy of all modern presidential scandals and thankfully it doesnt involve either the Sarcophagus of Joe Biden or the Perpetual Indictment Machine of Don
College Protests, Motions to Vacate and Other Reckless Opinions | Ep 51
In this episode, Jordan goes on a number of rants. The wave of college protests, MTGs Motion to Vacate, Presidental Immunity, and Billionaires asking for handouts. Evidently, OGGNs ATM of Reckless O
Jordan is Alive! Oh, and a Play by Play of the Israel v. Iran Near Miss | Ep 50
In this episode, Jordan returns from the crusades and gives an in-depth briefing on the trio of tit-for-tat strikes between Iran and Israel. Brought to you onOGGN, the largest and most listened-to po
Reaction to the US State of the Union Address | Ep 49
Jordan listens to the highlights of President Bidens State of the Union address and reacts to it. Brought to you onOGGN, the largest and most listened-to podcast network for the oil and energy indus
NATO, the CCP, Haiti, and the Hugo Awards | Ep 48
In this episode, Jordan answers the age-old question: what does Haiti, NATO, the Ukraine War, the Chinese Communist Party, all have in common with the Hugo Awards. Well, theyre all a bit of a \$hit s
Q&A + Rants | Ep 47
In this episode Jordan drinks from his Context is for Kings official show coffee mug, answers questions from the audience, and eventually figurers out why he is so annoyed with the National Republican
NAPE Madness with Special Guests | Ep 46
This episode is sponsored byRanch OfficeTexas style co-working in Houston. Life is better at the Ranch. In this episode we have a fireside chat with Joe Batir, Delfina (last name redacted), and came
The Players & Pawns of the Current Middle East Crisis | Ep 45
In this episode Jordan discusses the various proxy forces of Iran, theirmotivations, their relationship with Iran and how much, or how littlecontrol over them Iran actually has. Also, he goes back and
Let’s Get to Know … Mexico! (pt 1) | Ep 44
The first in the Lets Get to Know sub-series of episodes where Jordan does a deep dive into a place of interest. This week, it is Mexico. Has it been a republic multiple times? Yes. Has it been an em