Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Chazara Kesubos 64
September 09, 2022

The wife’s weekly allotment

Kesubos 64
September 08, 2022

The allotment of food

Chazara Kesubos 63
September 08, 2022

Rabbi Akiva’s wife

Kesubos 62
September 06, 2022

How often?

Chazara Kesubos 61
September 06, 2022

Four maids!

Kesubos 61
September 05, 2022

The maidservants jobs

Chazara Kesubos 60
September 05, 2022

Responsibility of a wet nurse

Kesubos 60
September 04, 2022

Nursing till when?

Chazara Kesubos 59
September 04, 2022

The woman’s obligations

Kesubos 58
September 02, 2022

The woman’s earnings