Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Nedarim 75
January 08, 2023

Pre- Nullified

Chazara Nedarim 74
January 08, 2023

The Yevamahs vows

Nedarim 73
January 06, 2023

The need to be able to hear

Chazara Nedarim 72
January 06, 2023

Standard Talmid Chacham practice

Chazara Nedarim 71/ Nedarim 72
January 05, 2023

The need to hear

Chazara Nedarim 70/ Nedarim 71
January 04, 2023

The last husband stands

Chazara Nedarim 69/ Nedarim 70
January 03, 2023

The advantage of the father over the husband

Nedarim 69
January 02, 2023

Both together!

Chazara Nedarim 67/ Nedarim 68
January 01, 2023

The partnership between the father and the husband

Nedarim 66
December 30, 2022

When the name matches the person