Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Chazara Nazir 35/ Nazir 36
February 28, 2023

The permitted combines to the prohibited

Chazara Nazir 34/ Nazir 35
February 27, 2023

General and specific

Chazara Nazir 33/ Nazir 34
February 26, 2023

The Coy

Nazir 32
February 24, 2023

Six people walking

Chazara Nazir 31
February 24, 2023

Mistaken Hekdesh

Nazir 31
February 23, 2023

The black bull that is first

Chazara Nazir 30
February 23, 2023

The son but not the daughter

Chazara Nazir 29/ Nazir 30
February 22, 2023

Using the fathers funds for ones own Nezirus

Nazir 29
February 21, 2023

The father imposes on the son

Chazara Nazir 28
February 21, 2023

Too late to be Maifer