Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Chazara Sotah 41
May 10, 2023

King Agrippa stood

Sotah 41
May 09, 2023

Dont flatter

Chazara Sotah 40
May 09, 2023

The humility of Rav Avahu

Sotah 40
May 08, 2023

The high priest blessing

Chazara Sotah 39
May 08, 2023

Wait till after the blessings

Sotah 39
May 07, 2023

Rabbi Elazar Ben Shamuah

Chazara Sotah 38
May 07, 2023

Cohens blessing

Chazara Sotah 36/ Sotah 37
May 05, 2023

The blessings and the curses

Chazara Sotah 35/ Sotah 36
May 04, 2023

Yosefs Kiddush HaShem

Chazara Sotah 34/ Sotah 35
May 03, 2023

The lies of the spies