Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Gittin 52
July 07, 2023

The trusted executor

Chazara Gittin 51
July 07, 2023

Where's the other wallet?

Gittin 51
July 06, 2023

The step daughter vs. the actual daughter

Chazara Gittin 50
July 06, 2023

Do we also protect recipients of gifts?

Gittin 50
July 05, 2023

Protection for adult orphans?

Chazara Gittin 49
July 05, 2023

Who's best?

Gittin 49
July 04, 2023

All the more so, Hekdesh

Chazara Gittin 48
July 04, 2023

Best, middle and worst

Gittin 48
July 03, 2023

When the son buys land from his father

Chazara Gittin 47
July 03, 2023

One and a half hits