Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Gittin 84
August 11, 2023

On the condition you eat pig

Gittin 83
August 07, 2023

No answering the lion after he passes

Gittin 82
August 06, 2023

Everyone except for...

Chazara Gittin 81
August 06, 2023

He changed his mind

Gittin 80
August 04, 2023

A not proper kingdom

Chazara Gittin 79
August 04, 2023

Burnt on the way down

Gittin 79
August 03, 2023

An old Get

Chazara Gittin 78
August 03, 2023

Here is your document of debt

Gittin 78
August 02, 2023

Over the river

Chazara Gittin 77
August 02, 2023

In her courtyard